Sunday Morning Worship

Every Sunday in Michigan City at 10am
531 Washington Street Michigan City

Women's Bible Study kicks off this spring in the book of 1 Corinthians! All ladies are encouraged to attend as we consider how to maintain the integrity of the church, both individually and as a body. Click the image above to register, and join us Wednesday evenings at 6 PM!
We begin this year in 1 Thessalonians, exploring hope the gospel of Jesus Christ brings to us today, and the hope that is to come as we eagerly await Christ's return. Join us on Sundays at 10 AM as we worship and renew our minds in the truth of God's Word.
We encourage anyone attending our services to bring along a donation to one of the hard-working organizations that serves those most in need in our community. Personal care items for the Salvation Army or coffee supplies for the Nest Community Shelter are always welcome!