Christ Church’s Catalyst Classes are designed to help you grow in our values of Community, Discipleship, and Mission.

Connect is Christ Church’s membership class that focuses on the five identities of a healthy church member (worshipper, family, learner, servant, missionary). We ask anyone desiring to becoming a member of Christ Church to attend this class. A visit with one of the elders is also a part of the membership process. This allows time for personal questions and interaction.

Become explores some of the spiritual disciplines practiced by generations of Christ-followers. These include spiritual disciplines such as scripture study and meditation, prayer, fasting, simplicity, solitude, worship and more.
Become is beneficial for everyone, from first steps to many years of walking with Christ.

Discover assists disciples in discovering their spiritual gifts, ministry passions, and personal serving style to make up a “servant profile” that will enable church leaders to not only equip but release the disciple to gospel mission. The class spends time in exploring:
- a biblical theology of serving
- spiritual gifts are and how to identify them (This helps us understand what we are best gifted to do.)
- ministry passion and how to identify it (This helps us understand where we are to serve, meaning what ministry that exists or what needs to begin.)
- personal serving style (This identifies how and with whom we are to serve with)
Post-seminar coaching is offered to answer questions and to introduce students to opportunities to serve.